Every move we make, no matter how small, tells something about us.

Our daily interaction with computers is no different. Within every keypress or swipe, there are millions of nanogestures.

Everything you are feeling and thinking results in nanogestures. People cannot detect these, but your mouse can.

BioMaus is a revolutionary software package that reads these imperceptible motions through your computer's mouse and translates them into quantifiable data.

BioMaus is currently being used in the following applications, but we expect the list to grow into the millions by early 2018:

  • Cheap Golf (computer game)

    The software is currently in private beta, but we estimate a version fit for public use will be available in the next 6-12 months. Please return at a later date to take advantage of this groundbreaking technology before anyone else.

    BioMaus. Imagine the possibilitiesTM

    Created by SUSAN.